Legends Guards offers you a better class of security service
Founded in Limassol, LEGENDS GUARDS SECURITY SERVICES is a dynamic limited designation company which provides reliable and complete security services throughout Cyprus. Legends Guards innovate, by developing new ways and engraving the provision of high level security services in accordance with all standards of the 21st century.
Heavily investing in training our staff, we manage to provide excellent services and give the best impression to our customers. We continuously improve the quality of our safety services, by recruiting and maintaining the most qualified and experienced security guards, who are professionally trained under the highest standards of excellence and integrity at any level!
Security guards are the mirror for a security company, consisting its first impression, thus our security guards highlight our reliability, professionalism and the outstanding services provided by our company! We continuously educate our staff, conducting seminars on terrorism with various educational programs and training practices using the newest techniques of the technologies available.

We constantly monitor the world events through media, seeing our world overflowing from various criminal actions (such as robberies, rapes, murders etc) at the expense of unsuspected citizens, and we know that we need to do to absolutely protect people that invest in security services in order to keep their families safe or secure their property.
When security is necessary and you seek urgently for protection, whether for yourself, your family, your property or for an event (marriage, reception etc) then LEGENDS GUARDS SECURITY SERVICES will use their experience and expertise to manage conditions before they become risks! We know how to protect customers, their families and/or properties, relieving any fears or insecurities and make them feel completely safe and comfortable.
Our mission is to create a climate of safety and prosperity to each and every customer, while developing long-term relationships, by providing reliable and complete high level security services, through innovation and advanced technology.
Covering the whole island of Cyprus, we commit to your safety 24hours a day, 365 days a year! Whether you seek security for public services, companies, properties or individuals, you may rest being assured that the quality and reliability of our services will be more than enough to cover any of your needs and requirements.
What is the most valuable and important thing in your life? Whatever this is LEGEND GUARDS will protect it and provide you with the best possible security and safety services!